
良屋设计 2018-12-08 13:08:08


点击上方良屋设计,关注设计背后的故事 来源:谷德设计网 通常来讲,金融公司对空间的私密性非常看重。如何在保有足够私密性的同时兼顾空间的开放与共享,以及空间功能的可变与丰富,是此次百分金融办公室项目设计的重点。我们以“开放性”为题,进行了设计上的探索,通过一个简单有趣的方式,解决以下三个问题:1.空间




In general, finance companies value space privacy. The key to the project is to keep the space private while creating an open and sharing space contains variable and rich functions. Based on the theme of “openness,” we discussed the office design and solved three problems in a straightforward but interesting way: 1. the balance between public and private spaces 2. Integration and separation of different functions 3. the structure and variation of the spatial rhythm.

办公室空间概览,view of the office ©金伟琦©Jin Weiqi


打开的重要性|The Importance of “Opening”


Firstly, according to different functions, spaces are divided into the relatively private meeting rooms and the open working areas. With four moveable silkscreen printing glass walls, space can be freely converted based on different needs of openness and privacy. When the sliding wall is semi-opened, the glass wall is considered as screens. The quantity and position are adjustable to create various spaces according to the needs. When the sliding wall is completely closed, space is divided into multiple small private areas. When the sliding wall is completely opened, different areas are nested and merged into a free-flowing space.

开放的工作区,open working areas ©金伟琦©Jin Weiqi

推拉墙体,moveable silkscreen printing glass walls ©金伟琦©Jin Weiqi工作区内部空间,interior space of working areas ©陈培新 ©Chen Peixin


“流动”的空间|A “Flowing” Space


The reception area is designed as a half-enclosed cube, which strengthening the safety and intimacy of a working area while keeping the function to host guests. The continuous cabinet penetrates through the multi-function room, the water bar, and the open working area, creating a deep and integrated space.

设置成方盒子的前台,reception area is designed as a half-enclosed cube ©金伟琦Reception©Jin Weiqi


“边界”与“融合”|“Boundary” and “Integration”


The open working area for both senior executives and all other employees is designed into a quiet and free space. Multi-function room contains various functions such as working, small conference, presentation and party. While sliding wall is open, it merges with the conference area to open more possibilities.

多功能室,multi-function room ©金伟琦Reception©Jin Weiqi

多功能室通过推拉墙的与洽谈区相融或分隔,multi-function room connected or divided with meeting area through sliding walls ©金伟琦Reception©Jin Weiqi

“严谨”与“闲适”|“Rigor” and “Comfort”

 由于金融行业的属性,空间专业感必不可少。因此在洽谈区,在必要的舒适之外,着重呈现的是商务谈判的严谨与端正。作为内部员工与外部客户共同使用的 茶室,也是一个小型会议室。触感温和的木质材料,宜人的小尺度,营造出闲适的温暖与安静。独立办公室,简单的空间让人更易专注于工作。黑白灰的基调以及丰富的收纳空间既是对空间内容的归置,也是对形式上的规整。

Tearoom, a common space for both employees and clients, also serves as a small conference room. Tearoom presents itself as a cozy and serene space with its size of human scale and warm natural texture of wood. Professionalism is essential in the finance industry. Therefore, other than providing comfort, the precision and rigor of business is emphasized in the design for the negotiation area. Independent office is a minimalistic place where people can quickly focus on their work. The tone of black, white and grey, together with abundant storage units not only manages the spatial content but also the formal language.

黑白灰基调的内部空间,tone of black, white and grey ©金伟琦 Meeting room ©Jin Weiqi

采用木材的茶室与隔墙,tearoom in wood material with sliding walls ©陈培新 Cold and warm ©Chen Peixin

总经理独立办公室,independent office of the manager ©金伟琦 Meeting room ©Jin Weiqi


探索,未知的边界|Explore Unknown Boundaries


In this design, we try to balance between the openness and privacy, the visible and invisible, bright and dark. In the deep, boundless and flowing space created, we hope to open up more possibilities for future users.


推拉墙系统轴测,axonometric of the sliding wall system


aa剖面图,aa section

结构详图,structure detail

项目名称:百分金融办公室设计:兼建筑联系邮箱: atelier-jian@outlook.com项目设计:2017项目完成:2018主创设计师:陈培新,陈真项目地址:中国,北京建筑面积:450㎡摄影:金伟琦,陈培新施工:徽玲珑(北京)建筑装饰工程有限公司客户:百分金融材料:1,丝网印刷玻璃 2,高强面层水泥自流平 3,氟碳喷涂钢板

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